STEM Ambassador

A program that creates youth leaders by training them with the sufficient STEM skills. These youth go on to carry out STEM education programs in their communities.

Volunteer with us

If you are STEM-educated and would like to volunteer to share your knowledge and skills to empower youth, we will provide you with useful resources and connections to make that happen.

Host a STEM Workshop

STEM Powering provides technical workshops catered to your audience. If you are interested in hosting a single or a series of STEM workshops, we would be thrilled to partner with you.

Attend Our Hackathon

We are hosting our first Hackathon this April on web design. Check out Hackathon 2021 under Activities in the navbar for more info.

So what's this all about?

STEM Powering is a not-for-profit youth organization supported by STEM-educated volunteers who would like to inspire and empower youth by sharing their knowledge and skills. Our primary objective is to empower youth through STEM education by providing barrier-free access so we can increase participation and enhance opportunities for youth. Together, we can create a knowledge economy and build a better tomorrow.

What problems are we tackling?

The Scarborough youth community is often deprived of access and opportunities for enhanced STEM education. We plan to change that! The gender gap in STEM fields is also a growing concern. Our mission is to increase participation in STEM fields by providing equal opportunities, the inclusion of all communities, reduce the gender gap and enhance skill sets.

We're open to partnership and collaboration!

We are aiming to reach out to other organizations who work with youth at risk and offer them specialty programs where youth will gain tangible and futuristic skills to succeed in life.